・Tohru Yamagaki (Suntory Foundation for Life Scinece) =Single-cell MS for plant=
Single-cell MS analysis of flavonoid glycoside isomers in Viora flower petal.
13:15 ~ 13:30
・Shuichi Shimma (Osaka Univ.) =Imaging MS for cancer=
Development of iMScope and applications in cancer metabolomics.
13:30 ~ 14:15
=Keynote Lecture=
・Yin-Hung Lai (Stanford University, USA)
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry: mechanistic studies and its application in carbohydrate analysis
14:15 ~ 14:50
・Kohtaro Sugahara (SUNBOR) =Imaging MS for plant=
Imaging MS revealed localization of flavonoids in viola flower: Investigating a co-pigmentation mechanism for blue color expression.
14:50 ~ 15:25
・Chitose Maruyama (Fukui Pref. Univ.) =Biology and Natural products=
Indispensable mass spectrometric approach for the biosynthetic study of streptothricin
15:25 ~ 15:40
Coffee break
15:40 ~ 16:40
Oral presentation for Post-doctoral researchers and doctoral students
16:40 ~ 18:10
Poster session
18:10 ~ 18:30
Ceremony of awarding an honor
18:30 ~ 20:00
10:00 ~ 10:50
=Keynote Lecture=
・Jentaie Shiea (National Sun Yat-Sen University, 台湾)
Rapid identification of pesticides in human oral fluid for emergency management by thermal desorption electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry.
10:50 ~ 11:25
・Lee Chuin Chen (Univ. of Yamanashi) =Endoscopic MS for medicine=
Towards endoscopic mass spectrometry with remote sampling ionization.
11:25 ~ 12:00
・Mari Aida (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) =Plasma ionization fundamental=
Desorption/ionization mass analysis system using damage-free plasma for adhesive compounds on heat-sensitive substrates.
12:00 ~ 13:20
13:20 ~ 14:10
=Keynote Lecture=
・Ole N. Jensen (University of Southern Denmark, デンマーク)
Bioanalytical technology development for protein characterization, and elucidation of epigenetic mechanisms by functional proteomics.
14:10 ~ 14:55
=Keynote Lecture=
・Dukjin Kang (Korea Res. Inst. Standards and Science.)
= drug discovery biomarkers and glycobiology =
14:55 ~ 15:25
New technology from makers.
15:25 ~ 15:40
Coffee break
15:40 ~ 16:00
・Yuki Sugiura (Keio Univ.) = Time resolved MS for brain=
Time resolved analysis of brain energy metabolism by micro-dialysis linked ion chromatography-mass spectrometry.
16:00 ~ 16:35
・Toshiki Sugai (Toho Univ.) =Ion-mobility for huge materials=
Development of Ion Trap Ion Mobility Measurement System and Observation of Nano Particles.
16:35 ~ 16:50
・Shu Taira (Fukui Pref. Univ.) =Nano particle imaging MS=
Nano-PALDI mass spectrometry for bioanalysis.