

第1日 5月17日(水) 18:00~18:20 D会場(202)

界面張力を指標としたESI-MSにおけるマトリックス効果の機構解析 ~界面張力とESIのシグナル強度の関係~

(1横市大院生命ナノ・ 2資生堂リサーチセンター)
o景山(金島)亜美1・ 本山晃1,2・ 高山光男1

ESI is known to show serious problems in quantitative accuracy and detection sensitivity caused by “matrix effect”. The goal of this study was to understand mechanisms of matrix effect to control negative influences by the matrix effect. As the first step, we examined relationships between surface tension and ESI intensity using a model analytes. Surface tension was measured by Wilhelmy method and ESI intensity was monitored by flow injection analysis. Three amino acids of different hydrophobic degrees were selected as analytes, and they were dissolved in solvents typically used in ESI. The results showed that higher ESI signals were obtained at lower surface tensions, and the tendency was related to the hydrophobicity of the analytes.