The Mass Spectrometry society of Japan - The 68th Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Japan


Lunchtime Seminars

Day 2, June 23(Thu.) 12:20-13:20 Room D (413 and 414)

A new standard for high-speed, high-sensitivity 4D-Omics pioneered by the latest timsTOF platforms

oTaro Sakamoto

timsTOF is the QTOF mass spectrometer equipped with Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry (TIMS) device which is enables to separate isomers with accurate CCS values.
This TIMS device can measure CCS value as a fourth separation axis in addition to retention time, m/z, and MS/MS patterns. In additions, this 4D-separation technique can be adopted with proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, and imaging applications.
In this seminar, we will present the latest timsTOF platforms and 4D-Omics solutions using TIMS device and related application software.