The Mass Spectrometry society of Japan - The 68th Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Japan


Poster Presentations

Day 1, June 22(Wed.)  Room P (501, 502 and 503)

“True Nanoelectrospray" without Narrow Capillary by Generation of Ions from Aqueous Taylor Cones near the Minimum Flow Rate

(Univ. Yamanashi)
oZhongbao Han, Lee Chuin Chen

Generating ultra-fine charged droplets using electrospray is crucial for attaining high ionization efficiency for mass spectrometry. The size of the precursor charged droplets depends on the spray flow rate and the conventional wisdom holds that the electrospray of nanoliter per min flow rate (nanoelectrospray) is only possible using narrow capillaries with an inner diameter of ~1 micrometer or smaller. Here, the electrospray of aqueous solutions with high electric conductivities generated from a large off-line capillary of 0.4 mm i.d. has been performed using a high-pressure ion source1. The electric discharge is avoided by operating the ion source at high pressure. The highly stable Taylor cone can be tuned to a near-hydrostatic state that exhibits the “true nanoelectrospray" properties, i.e. high salt tolerance and minimal ion suppression.