日本質量分析学会 第70回質量分析総合討論会会



第2日 6月23日(木)  P会場(501,502,503)

Pseudomonas 属新種および近縁種のMALDI-MSによる分析

(1島津・ 2順天堂大医・ 3ヤンゴン国衛研・ 4ヤンゴン総合病院)
o寺本華奈江1・ 遠矢真理2・ 渡邉心2・ 多田達哉2・ 桑原-新井京子2・ 岩本慎一1・ Mya, San3・ Khwar, Zin4・ 切替照雄2・ Tin, Htay3

The genus Pseudomonas is a large taxon with many lineages within the genus. In this study, we compared the MALDI mass spectra between three Pseudomonas strains, which were isolated from hospitalized patients, and their relatives. The mass spectral patterns showed that these three strains were clearly different from their existing relatives and they are classified as a new species belonging to the Pseudomonas oleovorans group.