日本質量分析学会 第70回質量分析総合討論会会



第2日 6月23日(木) 9:40~10:00 A会場(メインホール)



Imaging mass spectrometry (MS) has been utilized to detect various metabolites in tissues. This method was also employed for the quantitative evaluation of metabolite contents in the regions of interests. However, despite its versatility, this technique has some disadvantages caused by various factors such as the heterogeneity of the tissue surface, ion suppression by coexisting substances, and sample preparation method on the quality of imaging MS spectra. To resolve these problems and develop a reliable quantitative evaluation method for imaging MS, two different techniques, namely matrix-assisted laser desorption imaging MS and liquid chromatography-coupled electrospray ionization MS quantification were combined in this work. The content of each metabolite quantified using the developed method was distributed across all pixels of the tissue surface according to the normalized ion counts. In this study, we analyzed the petals of Viola cornuta, which contained one anthocyanin (violanin) and a number of flavonols, because the mechanism of blue coloration of the petal was not known.
The obtained data allowed the in vitro reconstruction of the color expression that was consistent with the visible spectrum of the blue vacuole cells of viola petal. Ultimately, it was experimentally confirmed that the flavonol 3-O-glycosides complexed with violanin.