日本質量分析学会 第70回質量分析総合討論会会



第1日 6月22日(水)  P会場(501,502,503)

Flavan 3-olsはストレッサーとして青斑核-ノルアドレナリン作動性神経網を介して認知機能を向上させる


We have previously found that the intake of flavan 3-ols, a polyphenol with a strong astringent taste, enhances sympathetic nerve activity and has beneficial effects on circulation and metabolism. In general, a stressor activates the central nervous system resulting in improvement of cognitive function, besides sympathetic nerve activation as a stress response. Therefore, we examined the effects of flavan 3-ols on the central stress response and cognitive function in experimental animals. As a result, we found that flavan 3-ols induced a stress response and stimulated the locus coeruleus, resulting in the projection of noradrenaline to the entire brain and improved cognitive function.