- 第1日 6月22日(水) 12:20~13:20 D会場(413,414)
1D-L-1220 PDF
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are ubiquitously secreted by almost every cell type and present in all body fluids. The blood-derived EVs can be used as a promising source for biomarker monitoring in disease. Current development in EVs proteomics have analyzed in clinical subjects. To date, researcher have developed the EV isolation methods, including ultracentrifugation, sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation, size exclusion chromatography, affinity capture and asymmetric-flow field-flow fractionation. However, their isolation methods are limited in throughput for human subjects. Here, we introduced a novel automated EV isolation and sample preparation method for EV proteomics analysis that can be started with low volume of multiple clinical samples. EVs were automatically separated from both EDTA plasma and serum by an MagCapture TM Exosome Isolation Kit PS Ver.2 in a 96-well format by a magnetic particle processing robot (KingFisher Flex), and the sample preparation for EV proteomics performed using single-pot, solid-phase-enhanced sample-preparation (SP3) technology with Flex in 96-well format. We introduce the automated isolation method and proteomic sample preparation for processing large sample batches and limited samples for biomarker development.