The Mass Spectrometry society of Japan - The 71st Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Japan


Symposium Sessions

Day 3, May 17(Wed.) 14:59-15:21 Room A (Special Conference Room)

Development and applications of single-cell proteomics technology

(Kumamoto Univ.)
oTakeshi Masuda, Maki Yamahiro, Shingo Ito, Sumio Ohtsuki

Proteins are essential biomolecules for many biological phenomena. In recent years, several single-cell proteomics technologies have been reported that enable the observation of heterogeneity in protein expression profiles within cell populations. A practical single-cell proteomics technique should have a high protein and peptide recovery rate, be able to process multiple single-cell samples in parallel, and be easy enough for anyone to use. Recently, we have developed the water droplet-in-oil digestion (WinO) method1) as a sample preparation technique that meets the requirements (Fig. 1). By using the WinO method, the protein recovery rate was about 10 times higher than that of the conventional in-solution digestion method. In order to observe heterogeneity in protein expression profiles and to search for new cell populations, we have applied this technique to multiple myeloma cell lines and patient samples. In this presentation, we will demonstrate the usefulness of the WinO method for single cell proteomics.