The Mass Spectrometry society of Japan - The 71st Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Japan


Basic Sessions

Day 1, May 15(Mon.) 10:18-10:36 Room A (Special Conference Room)

Development of High-Resolution Size Proteomics of Biological Tissues

(1Dokkyo Med. Univ., 2Kazusa DNA Res. Inst., 3Tokyo Univ. Phar.)
oTadayuki Ogawa1, Yusuke Kawashima2, Eiji Fujimori3, Masaki Ishikawa2, Tomonari Umemura3

Our body is an ordered structure composed of various substances and elements. All components are localized in their specific compartments, maintained as the appropriate form and size in their ordered structures, and thereby they can properly fulfil their molecular function within the cells, tissues, and organs. However, when the ordered compartment is disrupted for some reasons, the ectopic modulation of the substances can cause diseases. To date, it has been reported that the changes in molecular localization and molecular size are located in the central cascades during pathogenesis of various diseases. Therefore, the precise and omics-wide comprehensive analyses in molecular localization and size distribution are key approaches for understanding the essence of life and the molecular pathogenesis in disease contexts. In this talk, we will present about our cutting-edge integrated omics approach composed of biochemical separation and mass spectrometry. Our data shows comprehensive information about biomolecules under physiological conditions, such as particle size, density, molecular size, and its components. Our comprehensive method is a promising approach that can analyze all molecules and elements according to the size-dependent characteristics in the biological tissue, and contribute to the wide and deep understanding of the essence of life and pathogenesis.