日本質量分析学会 第68回質量分析総合討論会会



第3日 5月13日(水)  P会場(1008/09)



Using ion mobility mass spectrometry, we obtained an experimental evidence that intramolecular proton transfer between two structural isomers with different protonation sites of protonated benzocaine (BC) is induced by a single NH3 molecule. In combination with theoretical calculations of the reaction path search, it was concluded that intramolecular proton transfer to produce the O-protomer (protonated BC at the C=O group) proceeds in the N-protomer (protonated BC at the NH2 group) by NH3 coordination. In the calculated pathway, the NH4+ ion formed by proton transfer from the NH2 group of the N-protomer to NH3 donates a proton to the C=O group after hopping on the benzene ring of BC.