日本質量分析学会 第68回質量分析総合討論会会



第2日 5月12日(火)  P会場(1008/09)


o後藤哲智Tue, Nguyen田辺信介国末達也

The present study performed non-target screening for unknown organohalogen compounds in marine bivalves from Hiroshima Bay, by using two-dimensional (2D) gas chromatograph–high resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometer (GC×GC–HRToFMS). Non-target analyses by GC×GC–HRToFMS revealed that marine bivalves accumulated various anthropogenic and natural organohalogen compounds. In addition, several unknown peaks were observed on the 2D total ion current chromatogram of a marine bivalve, and their molecular formulae were predicted as C9H6Br3ClO, C9H5Br4ClO, and C9H4Br5ClO by analyzing their accurate masses, halogen isotope ratios of molecular ion clusters, and fragment patterns. Interestingly, these mixed-halogenated compounds were ubiquitous in the bay coast despite being not produced commercially in the world, suggesting the unintentional (natural) formation in the environment. Further studies on their origin and toxicities to marine organisms are required.