- 第1日 5月11日(月) 15:50~16:10 B会場(1202)
1B-O2-1550 PDF
We are studying Laser Photo-Detachment(LPD), which is the novel isobaric separation method that utilizes the difference in electron affinity (EA), in order to separate the target nuclide from the isobaric nuclide. Unlike conventional isobaric separation method, it does not depend on the difference in the number of protons, so it is possible to separate nuclides with a large mass number. In LPD, a laser can neutralize the negative ion by photo-detachment reaction if photon energy is larger than its EA.
In our research, an experiment of LPD using chlorine (3.61 eV) and sulfur (2.08 eV) was conducted. The negative ions were generated by a Cs sputter ion source and accelerating voltage was 22 kV. Nd: YAG laser was used and the wavelength is 532 nm (2.33 eV) at variable power up to 20W to suppress only negative sulfur ions. The photo-detachment reaction was observed only in the case of sulfur. The suppression rate of sulfur was calculated to be at most 36%. In this paper, we report the changes in the suppression rate of ion beam energy and the laser output.