- 第3日 5月17日(金) 12:30~13:30 E会場(201)
3E-L-1230 PDF
The glycome is the one of most complex system in nature. It includes not only sugar but also the combined other, like glycoprotein. In biological function, glycome cover a board range of roles (Structural, energetical or Informatical).
Liquid Chromatography-Mass spectrometry (LC-MS) has been used for quantitative or qualitative analysis in glycome analysis, but it has the big issue. The sugar has different function by its binding position and form. But normal LC-MS method cannot recognize the precise structure of sugar binding mode. To solve this problem, now we present two different method.
1.Fragment pattern analysis
Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass spectrometry has various fragmentation tools. Even if the “traditional” collision induced dissociation, in case of the sugar bind to peptide, if the binding site specific fragment ion pattern appears, be able to confirm it (Of course it needs enough in-spectral dynamic range, sensitivity, resolution, and acquisition speed). And more, Electron Capture Dissociation (ECD) or Electron Impact Excitation of Ions from Organics (EIEIO) has a big potential for binding site analysis (data not shown in this seminar).
2.Ion mobility analysis (differential ion mobility spectrometry)
The sugar chain binds each other at each hydroxyl groups, but no specific fragment appears in most case. Due to SCIEX differential ion mobility spectrometry can use modifier, it has possibility to separate sugar chain with different binding position or binding form.