- 第2日 5月16日(木) P会場(多目的ホール)
2P-36 PDF
One of the critical components for resolution in QTof is the frequency in detection process. In many cases, 2 or 4 GHz was used in commercially available instruments to give less than 10,000 or less than 20,000 at m/z 100, respectively. This resolution gives distinguishable spectrum around 10 mDa of m/z difference when two ions has similar abundance. On the other hand, especially in endogenous metabolites analysis as metabolomics, resolution in these instruments were not adequate because of the huge difference of signal abundance because of their variety of endogenous concentrations.
To solve this problem in wide range of m/z, we defined 30,000 of resolution as a first target. Theoretically, resolution is well corelated to frequency of detector. To give more than 30,000 of resolution, we determined the effect of 10 GHz detector. As a result, more than 42,000 of resolution at m/z 149 in positive mode and more than 33,000 of resolution at m/z 134 in negative mode were observed, that are well corelated to the expectation in theoretical value.