日本質量分析学会 第67回質量分析総合討論会



第2日 5月16日(木) 12:30~13:30 C会場(101)

①SICRIT: スクリーニング及び定量に用いることが可能な高感度かつ汎用性の高い新規大気圧イオン化法の紹介
②キャリーオーバーのない多検体プロテオミクスを可能にするハイスループットナノHPLC EVOSEP ONEの技術およびアプリケーションの紹介

(1エーエムアール・ 2Plasmion・ 3CTC・ 4ETH)
o板東泰彦1・ Wolf, Jan-Christoph2,4・ Huba, Anna4・ Mirabelli, Mario3,4・ Zenobi, Renato4

① Soft Ionization by Chemical Reaction In Transfer" (SICRIT) is new a ionization technology introducing mass spectrometry in new fields of application. SICRIT directly merges the atmospheric pressure inlet of the MS with a small and rigid dielectric barrier discharge based plasma ionization (DBDI) source. This significantly enhances ion transmission into the MS and thereby the sensitivity.
② We will present novel nano HPLC technology which enable the researchers to analyze several hundreds of samples per day. With novel Evotip sample preparation and gradient offset focusing, biological and clinical samples are analyzed in high throughput mode without carryover. It can apply Shotgun, DIA SWATH, SRM and DEEP Proteomics.