- 第2日 5月16日(木) 10:10~10:30 B会場(102)
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Several cryogenic stage systems have been proposed for mass spectrometry, but few systems have mechanisms to introduce frozen sample to the cold stage [e.g. 1]. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is widely used to know quantitative isotopic or elemental distributions of solid surface, but cryogenic applications are still limited may due to lack of the mechanism. In biology, the ability to analyze frozen sample allow us to avoid artifacts associated with sample preparation, such as dehydration, resin substitution or a little melting to stick a frozen section on the substrate, and to expose flat surface of the target region using independent sectioning instruments. Moreover, water-, fat-soluble molecules can be analysis subjects for SIMS. In cosmochemistry, fluid inclusions trapped in meteorites can be exposed on the flatten surface as ice to provide precise isotopic information of hydrogen and oxygen for ancient water to understand the evolution of the Solar System [2,3]. Therefore, we developed a cryogenic SIMS system equipped with a frozen sample introduction mechanism.