日本質量分析学会 第66回質量分析総合討論会


Poster Presentations

Day 1, May 15(Tue.)  Poster

Advancement and application of H/D exchange analysis of protein by MALDI MS

(Suntory Foundation for Life Sciences)
oTatsuya Yamamoto, Honoo Satake

H/D exchange (HDX) measurement by mass spectrometry (MS) is one of the speedy method in structural biology. However, the analysis of MALDI-MS data had been carried out without a dedicated platform. Therefore, we developed a software for MALDI-HDX analysis in JAVA. This software calculates the number of deuterated amide in the main chain of protein fragments from complex isotopic distributions, and automatically processes multi data. In addition, analyzed results also contain a profile of abundance for exchanged-hydrogen number. We report an application of adenylate kinase from H. Sapiens.