日本質量分析学会 第66回質量分析総合討論会


Poster Presentations

Day 3, May 17(Thu.)  Poster

Search for iPSC-derived neural molecular markers by neural differentiation proteomics

(Yokohama City Univ.)
Yuki Ohta, oTakumi Koizumi, Kotaro Kameda, Nana Kawasaki

Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived neurons are expected to become powerful tools for the study of neurological disease mechanisms and drug safety. The purity, maturity and function of cells should be verified with appropriate methods to ensure safe and effective use of cells. However, only a few biomarkers are available for iPSC-derived neurons. Novel neural markers, specific to each stage in neural differentiation, are urgently required. In this study, we used quantitative proteomic approaches to extract proteins that are expressed specifically in iPSCs, iPSC-derived neural stem cells (NSCs), neural progenitor cells (NPCs), and dopaminergic neurons (DAs). The efficacy of proteins as specific biomarkers of differentiation stages was assessed through functional analysis using gene ontology (GO) and pathway analysis. We identified NSC and NPC marker candidates based on their functions and expression timings in neural cells. Furthermore, we revealed that proteomics using nanoLC/MS/MS could identify population of neurons.