日本質量分析学会 第66回質量分析総合討論会


Oral Sessions

Day 2, May 16(Wed.) 18:35-18:50 Room B (Seiun 1)

Spontaneous Isomerization of Peptide Cation Radical [DAAR + H]+ Following ETD Revealed by UV-Vis Photodissociation Action Spectroscopy

(1Osaka Univ., 2Univ. of Washington)
oNaruaki Imaoka1, Camille Houferak2, Megan Murphy2, Huong Nguyen2, Andy Dang2, František Tureček2

Electron transfer dissociation of multiply charged peptide ions produces radical [z + H]+ ions by N-Cα bond cleavage. The [z + H]+ ions are usually presented as N-terminally deaminated radicals with the charge being carried by a protonated basic residue. However, recent studies of UV-Vis photodissociation action spectroscopy suggested that [z + H]+ ions spontaneously isomerize depending on constituent amino acid residues. In this study we focused on the peptide that contains Asp residue and investigated its isomerization. The [DAAR + H]+ ions was generated by ETD in the ion trap, selected by mass and exposed to laser pulses generated by an Nd:YAG laser source equipped with an optical parametric oscillator. The intensities of the resulting fragment ions were monitored as a function of wavelength, normalized to the laser output power at each wavelength, and plotted to provide action spectra. A comparison of the action spectrum with the calculated absorption spectra indicates that the [DAAR + H]+ ions produced by ETD did not consist of a single species but comprised a mixture of radical isomers. It was concluded that Asp residue facilitates hydrogen atom migrations in [z + H]+ cation-radicals occurring spontaneously upon electron transfer dissociation of peptide dications.