日本質量分析学会 第66回質量分析総合討論会


Poster Presentations

Day 1, May 15(Tue.)  Poster

Development of a sensitive and accurate analytical method for sugar phosphates and its application to 13C-metabolic flux analysis of cancer cells

(1Osaka Univ., 2Shimadzu, 3Osaka Univ.)
oNobuyuki Okahashi1, Kousuke Maeda1, Shuichi Kawana2, Junko Iida2,3, Hiroshi Shimizu1, Fumio Matsuda1

A method for sugar phosphates analysis was developed using GC-NCI-MS. Baseline separation of sugar phosphate isomers and detection of molecular ion in ten nano-molar range were achieved. The method was applied to the measurement of 13C-labeling of sugar phosphates for 13C-metabolic flux analysis of MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line. Employment of 13C-labeling of sugar phosphates improves the flux estimation of bidirectional reactions in glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway.