

第3日 5月20日(金) 10:45~11:00 C会場(星雲2)

ESI-MSによる大腸菌由来Ribonuclease H1の分析

(1阪大蛋白研・ 2阪大院工・ 3CIGB・ 4JEOL)
o安東友繁1・ Tannous, Elias2・ Fernandez-de-Cossio, Jorge3・ 田村淳4・ 金谷茂則2・ 高尾敏文1

We analyzed the metalloenzyme, Ribonuclease H1 form Escherichia coli (RNase H1) and the complex with its substrate, RNA/DNA hybrid. RNase H1 is an endoribonuclease that hydrolyzes the RNA strand of RNA/DNA hybrid. RNase H1 activity requires divalent metal ions (Mn2+, Mg2+) for the hydrolysis of phosphodiester bond, producing 5’-phosphate and 3’-hydroxyl termini. In this study, we aim to detect the complex of RNase H1: divalent metal ions: RNA/DNA hybrid using ESI-MS, and to reveal stoichiometry of these molecules.