

第2日 5月19日(木) 9:00~9:20 C会場(星雲2)

GC/MS マスクロマトグラフ法から見えるヤスデ由来天然物の世界


Using the extracted-ion chromatograph method of GC/MS system, three topics of millipede natural product chemistry are presented. 1) A simple wax mixtures known in Anaulaciulus simplex (Verhoeff, 1936, Jurida Julidae) with substituted benzoquinones was realized as species (or population)-specific mixtures composed of alcohols (C5-C8) and n-, iso- & anteiso-fatty acids(C11-C16) moieties. 2) 2-Alkanones (C15-C23) was identified from the head parts extracts of the above species, and realized as one of widely distributed components among millipedes. 3) Biosynthetic precursor of defense allomones were directly evidenced in three cases (mandelonitrile, E-(2-nitrovinyl)benzene and homoglomerin).