

第1日 5月18日(水)  ポスター会場(いちょう)

ワイドターゲット メタボロミクス ワークフローの構築


There are two main analysis approaches in metabolomics: One is “Non-targeted metabolomics (NTM)”, and another is “(Widely)-targeted metabolomics (WTM)”. NTM is the analysis mainly based on scan-mode mass spectrometric data, and the basic approach is using alignment techniques to discover common molecules and examine semi-quantitative differences among samples. Most of alignment software for comparing scan mode data have been developed in proteomics fields, and there are many alternatives applicable to NTM.
On the other hand, software for WTM is not commonly used, it may be because the analysis can be realized manually in many cases. Such manual works in WTM causes not only repetitive operations but also human errors. We propose a novel workflow to reduce these issues for efficient and effective WTM.