

第2日 5月15日(木)  会場(月光)

ステロイドプロファイリングによる内分泌かく乱作用in vitroスクリーニング系の開発


The aim of this study was to apply metabolic profiling to phenotype analysis of cells exposed to chemicals, and to develop a system to evaluate endocrine disruptors by multimarker profiling based on chemical exposure-induced endogenous metabolite changes. First, we constructed a platform to simultaneously analyze steroids in steroidogenesis pathways. To construct a versatile evaluation system, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), which is known for its versatility, was used in this analysis. Seventeen steroids were simultaneously analyzed under optimized preparation and GC/MS conditions. Next, we constructed a screening system for endocrine disruptors. Following the protocol of OECD TG 456, the human adrenocortical carcinoma cell line H295R exposed to forskolin and prochloraz was used as a positive control. Steroid profiles were obtained successfully.