日本質量分析学会 第67回質量分析総合討論会


Poster Presentations

Day 2, May 16(Thu.)  Room P (Multi-purpose Hall)

Automated Data Processing and Analysis for Quality Monitoring of Biotherapeutics by Multi-Attribute Method (MAM)

oNaohiko Heida

Biopharmaceutical firms adopt complex and costly process monitoring strategies and quality systems to ensure final product quality. Critical quality attributes (CQAs) are currently monitored using an array of analytical techniques. Although routinely used as release tests, these techniques generally do not measure attributes at the molecular level. In this context, many industrial players are exploring the adoption of innovative analytical approaches employing mass spectrometry (MS) to enable direct measurement of CQAs at the molecular level. In addition, MS-based methodologies offer the benefit of measuring many different quality attributes on a given biotherapeutic with a single test. The multi-attribute method (MAM) can potentially reduce development and manufacturing costs and at the same time increase product quality.
We present an implementation of MAM using a single software platform for the data processing, analysis, and management of MS data. In this approach, dedicated workflows were tailored to measure the CQAs for a given biomolecule, while testing for impurities (new peak detection), as well as checking the instrument qualification (system suitability). This approach can be fully automated and employed as part of a bioprocess control strategy.