日本質量分析学会 第67回質量分析総合討論会


Luncheon Seminars

Day 1, May 15(Wed.) 12:30-13:30 Room C (101)

Toward Improving Reproducibility – for Present and Future

(Univ. Tokyo)
oYoshiya Oda

Recently, poor reproducibility are flooded, but one of the reasons why the results cannot be reproduced is that poor reproducible analytical methods are conducted. Factors with poor reproducibility include (1) misidentification, (2) overlap with other peaks such as isomers, (3) high noise level (poor detection sensitivity), (4) peak intensity saturation, (5) ion suppression, (6) variation in pretreatment operation such as derivatization efficiency and extraction efficiency. When a substance labeled with a stable isotope element is corrected as an internal standard substance, improvement in analytical reproducibility is not universal, and effects can be expected in the case of (5) and (6).