日本質量分析学会 第67回質量分析総合討論会



第3日 5月17日(金)  P会場(多目的ホール)

探針穿刺によるオンサイトサンプリングとシースフロー探針エレクトロスプレー(sfPESI)を組み合わせたadjustable sheath-flow probe electrospray ionization (ad-sfPESI) の開発と植物や食品分析への応用

(1山梨大2Loughborough Univ.3九州沖縄農研4中央農業研究セ5愛媛大農)

The sample was pricked with an acupuncture needle inserted in the sf-PESI probe that protruded from the terminus of the tip by 5 mm. The invasion depth of the needle into the sample was ca. 1 mm. After sampling, the needle was retracted into the solvent-preloaded capillary with a protrusion length of 0.1 mm from the tip. A mass spectrum of sample captured on the needle was obtained by applying a high voltage to the needle. This method could be applicable to profiling analysis of plants with epicuticular wax covering on the surfaces that are difficult to analyze by sf-PESI. The on-site mass spectrometric analysis for a growing apricot in the field was made to monitor the developing stage of the fruit.