日本質量分析学会 第67回質量分析総合討論会



第1日 5月15日(水)  P会場(多目的ホール)


(1同志社大生命医・ 2滋賀県立総合病院研究所・ 3ブルカージャパン)
o小杉茉由佳1・ 木下和生2・ 韮澤崇3・ 梶田遼3・ 角田伸人1・ 池川雅哉1

The proto-oncogene c-kit mapped to the white-spotting (W) locus in mice encodes the receptor tyrosine kinase (KIT). The Signaling pathway of KIT and its ligand, stem cell factor (SCF) is important for migration, proliferation and differentiation of melanocytes. Homozygous W mutant mice have white coat color against black coat color in wild type. Here we established a novel strategy to study effects of KIT on morphogenesis of Whisker follicles of W mutant mice. In addition to histological analysis, we studied proteomic landscape using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) with timsTOF Pro system.