The 72nd Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Japan
Mon, Jun 10, - Wed, Jun 12, 2024
Tsukuba International Congress Center (Takezono, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 305-0032, Japan)

Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Papers in all the fields of mass spectrometry and related topics are welcome to be submitted for oral or poster presentations. You can submit your paper for “an oral presentation or a poster presentation (presentation type is determined by program committees)” or “a poster presentation (an oral presentation is not desired)”. Submitted abstracts are reviewed by the program committee composed of session organizers, and authors will be notified about acceptance/rejection by the end of April.
Before submitting your abstract, please read the instructions in “How to Submit Your Abstract” and “Manuscript Preparation for the Book of Abstracts” sections.

How to Submit Your Abstract

You are encouraged to submit abstract on-line. You need to register for the conference, before making an on-line abstract submission. We assume the presenting author is submitting his/her own abstract.
You can freely edit, modify or withdraw your abstract before the deadline of on-line paper submission.

On-line Paper Submission

You can submit your abstract from “Registration & Paper Submission” menu. Fill all information according to the instructions:

You need :

  1. A. Registration ID (you will receive it just after your on-line conference registration) and your e-mail address.
  2. B. Contact information (of the presenting author): name, address, phone number, and e-mail address.
  3. C. Title of the paper, name of institution(s), names of all authors
  4. D. Short abstract (max 200 words): details
  5. E. Type of presentation (Oral or Poster)
  6. F. Sessions to which you would like to submit your paper: list of sessions.
  7. G. Would you like to apply "Best Presentation Award (see below)"? (Yes or No)
  8. H. Manuscript for the Book of Abstracts: details

Deadline: 5:00 pm, Thursday, March 7, 2024 (Japan standard time)
No further editing and/or withdrawal is allowed after the deadline.

Manuscript Preparation for the Book of Abstracts

We accept a PDF file for abstract submission. Follow the detailed instructions in the sample/template file downloaded from the link below. The actual Book of Abstracts will be printed in "A4 page size" in black and white. You can freely edit, modify, and replace your abstract before the deadline of on-line paper submission.

Paper size: one A4 page in portrait layout
Size of the file: 3 Mbytes or smaller
Sample with instructions: PDF file (Adobe Reader required)
Template: Microsoft Word document file (Microsoft Word required)

Instructions for Preparing PDF Files

Prepare your manuscript using a template file in Microsoft Word document format (.docx) and convert it to a PDF format for uploading. To ensure that the electronic version matches the print version, all fonts used must be embedded within a PDF file. To embed the fonts, select the Press Quality option in Adobe Acrobat. If the fonts are not embedded, your manuscript may not print correctly. If you are not sure about font embedding, ask someone around you or contact to the Help Desk.

Short Abstract

The length should be 200 words or less. No figures and tables are allowed. Use standard characters only. However, a few HTML tags and Greek letters may be used as shown in the Instructions on Special Characters. The short abstracts will be posted on the conference web site with the final program after the publication date of the Book of Abstracts. Please confirm the appearance of your tags and special characters on the final confirmation screen of the on-line paper submission.

Publication of the Book of Abstracts

The Book of Abstracts will be published by MSSJ on May 31th, 2024.

Best Presentation Award

The organizing committee will award young scientists the "Best Presentation Award" for their outstanding oral or poster presentations. Applicants should be MSSJ members under 35 years old as of April 1, 2024. Presentations applied to this award will be reviewed by the organizing committee at the conference. The first-prize winners will be asked to submit an Extended Abstract (in Japanese) to the Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan or an original paper to the Mass Spectrometry. If you would like to apply to this award, please select "Yes" in the field of "Best Presentation Award" of the submission form. Note that applicants to the award for oral presentations also need to prepare a poster presentation in this conference. Click here for details.

Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentations

Plenary lecture: 50 min (incl. introduction and questions)
Symposium session invited lecture: 20-30 min (incl. introduction and questions)
Fundamental session: 18 min (incl. 3 min for questions)
Young researchers' session: 15 min (incl. 3 min for questions)

The organizing committee recommends the speakers to use their own laptop computers with an HDMI connector for data projection, to avoid trouble due to incompatibility. Please bring the AC power adaptor for your computer. An HDMI cable is prepared for use. Make sure to test your data projection in the session room during the break time just before your session.
Please turn off sleep-mode and screen saver of your computer prior to your presentation. The computer must be kept alive and AC power supplied throughout the session, to avoid any trouble.

Poster Presentations

Poster Set-up

Poster board size is 180 cm wide and 210 cm high. Please provide your own supplies, including pushpins and Velcro Tape, to mount your poster. Posters must be in place on the scheduled day (the poster number is indicated at the top of the board).

Monday, June 10: 10:00-16:15
Tuesday, June 11: 09:00-16:45
Wednesday, June 12: 09:00-16:00

Poster Attendance

Presenters should attend their posters 11:00-12:00 (odd number posters) or 13:00-14:00 (even number posters) of the scheduled day.