
Luncheon Seminars  Day 1, May 17(Wed.)

Luncheon Seminar (Presented by Bruker Daltonics K.K.)
Room C (101) 12:30-13:30


Bruker Metabolomics Solutions

(Bruker Daltonics)
oYoshihiko Takinami

Luncheon Seminar (Presented by Agilent Technologies)
Room D (202) 12:30-13:30


Tips and latest technologies of LC for utmost performance of LC/MS

Kunihiko Endo, Hirokazu Sawada, Hiroshi Sezaki, oTakeshi Serino

Luncheon Seminar (Presented by AMR, Inc.)
Room E (201) 12:30-13:30


Status and significance of automating sample preparation using robotic platform in the field of metabolomics

(1Kyushu Univ., 2AMR)
oTakeshi Bamba1, Teruhisa Shiota2