
Poster Presentations

Day 3, May 19(Fri.)  Room P (Multi-purpose Hall)

Application of Derivatization for DART ionization

oKazuko Oka, Takaya Satoh, Masaaki Ubukata, Akihiko Kusai, Haruo Iwabuchi

Direct Analysis in Real Time(DART) has been coupled with the AccuTOFTM LC-plus 4G atmospheric pressure ionization Time-of-Flight mass spectrometer to permit high-resolution, exact mass measurements of gases, liquids and solids. We studied the real-time derivatization such as methylation, acethylation and trimethylsilylation in DART ionization for sensitivity enhancement. In Me-derivatized compounds such as citrulline, L-cystathionine, it was also possible to confirm the existence of a compound capable of higher sensitivity detection than underivatized.