
Poster Presentations

Day 2, May 18(Thu.)  Room P (Multi-purpose Hall)

Metaproteome analysis of disease model mice

(1Kyoto Univ., 2Osaka Univ.)
oYuta Sakamoto1, Mariko Ito1, Yoichiro Kashiwagi2, Takenori Nozaki2, Shinya Murakami2, Masaki Wakabayashi1, Naoyuki Sugiyama1, Yasushi Ishihama1

We developed shotgun proteomic approaches to acquire metaproteome profiles of gastrointestinal systems in human disease model mice. For stomach, intestine, colon as well as feces, we successfully identify thousands of mouse proteins, enterobacterial proteins and proteins from mouse feed. This approach is useful to examine the interaction between intestinal bacteria and the host at the proteome level under the various disease conditions.