
Oral Sessions

Day 1, May 17(Wed.) 18:40-19:00 Room D (202)

Study on On-site Derivatization of Steroid by Tapping-mode Scanning Probe Electrospray Ionization (t-SPESI)

(1Osaka Univ., 2Kansai Univ.)
oYoichi Otsuka1, Kazui Kobayashi2, Tsuyoshi Kohigashi2, Ryuichi Arakawa2, Takuya Matsumoto1

Ambient sampling and ionization technique has been attracted attention due to its capability of rapid chemical analysis. Recently, the acceleration of reaction in derivatization has been reported. The chemical reaction inside charged droplets generated by ESI is found to increase the reaction rate drastically. In this study, the on-site derivatization of corticosterone (CC) with Girard reagent T (GT) by tapping mode SPESI (t-SPESI) is demonstrated for the first time. The thin film of CC was prepared by dropping the solution on four kinds of substrate and dried. The GT solution was used to sample, derivatize and ionize CC under ambient condition. It is confirmed that the fast derivatization is generated in the order of seconds. In addition, the development of feedback control system of t-SPESI for the stabilization of probe scan will also be presented. This system enables us not only to stabilize the probe scan but also to realize the simultaneous imaging of mass information and surface topology of samples.