
Oral Sessions

Day 1, May 17(Wed.) 15:05-15:25 Room B (102)

Current status and future of clinical social implementation of MALDI-TOF MS microorganism identification

(Bruker Daltonics)
oYumiko Matsuyama

With today’s challenges of increased incidence of drug‐resistant bacteria and immuno-deficient patients, the diagnosis of infectious diseases has become much harder. The accurate identification of pathogens such as bacteria in managing infectious diseases is crucial. In recent years, MALDI-TOF MS clearly stands out as new technology has emerged as possible answer to the weakness of the conventional procedures. Its main features are its ease of use and rapid time to result with a low running cost, while maintaining quality and accurate results. The value of it are at when provided as quickly as possible, without compromising accuracy and quality, as therapeutic decisions and antimicrobial choices based on these results have a direct impact on patient care and outcome. As the library continues to expand, and the possible detection of some drug resistance bacteria has been introduced, it can be expected that the already high accuracy of this method will improve further, making this an invaluable tool for infectious disease management.