

第3日 6月19日(金) 16:05~16:25 C会場(101)

惑星着陸探査におけるカリウム・アルゴン年代のその場計測: 月・火星でアルゴンを分析するための真空容器開発


We have been developing an in-situ K-Ar dating instrument for future planetary explorations. Here we report the recent progress in the engineering aspect of our instrument. We conducted Ar blank measurements using a noble-gas analysis system to investigate the capability of elastomeric O-rings as a vacuum seal. Our results indicate that metal seals can be replaced with a baked Viton O-ring in the lunar environment because there is no atmospheric gas permeating through the O-ring. Our experimental results also indicate that a double O-ring seal can achieve a sufficiently low blank level under the pressure of Martian atmosphere.