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土壌から発生するガスのオンサイトモニタリングに向けたMULTUM-S II の自動測定システムの開発
A miniaturized multi-turn time-of-flight mass spectrometer “MULTUM-S II” has high mass resolution capability in a small form factor, the size and weight of which is less than 50 cm x 57 cm x 30 cm and 35 kg. In previous studies, real-time simultaneous measurement of N2, O2, CO2, and N2O produced from soil microflora was attempted using a GC/MULTUM. However, with the relative abundance of each gas at 78%, 21%, 390 ppm and 320 ppb, respectively, the limited dynamic range of the detector prevents simultaneous detection of all four analytes. An automatic measurement system to overcome this limitation was developed for the MULTUM-S II.