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Recent studies reported that polybrominated-p-dioxins and their related compounds (DRCs) were generated by several marine algal species, and these compounds were also detected at relatively high levels in shellfish living in the Baltic Sea. The naturally-derived DRCs have become a matter of international concern due to their ecological effects to marine organisms, whereas there is little information on their sources in the Japanese coastal waters. In this study, we performed the comprehensive analysis of naturally-derived DRCs in blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) and brown algae (Sargassum macrocarpum C. Agardh) collected from the Seto Inland Sea using GC×GC-HRTOFMS. Various organohalogen compounds such as naturally-derived dioxins, their potential precursors and unidentified mixed-halogenated compounds were detected in the mussel and algae samples. Especially, the detection level of unidentified-compound (C9H5OBr4Cl) in the blue mussel was two orders of magnitude higher than that in the brown algae, implying a novel bioaccumulative compound.