The Mass Spectrometry society of Japan - The 68th Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Japan


Poster Presentations

Day 1, May 11(Mon.)  Poster (1008/09)

Chiral recognition using ions between photoexcited tryptophan and sugar in the gas phase

(Osaka Pref. Univ.)
oHiromori Murashima, Akimasa Fujihara

Enantiomer selectivity in cold gas-phase cluster ions of biological molecules as a model for chemical evolution in interstellar molecular clouds was investigated using mass spectrometry and UV spectroscopy. The chiral recognition mechanism between Trp and a monosaccharide changed depending on the photoexcitation wavelength: the enantiomer-selective reactions at 265–280 nm and change in the electronic structure of Trp at 280–290 nm.