The Mass Spectrometry society of Japan - The 68th Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Japan


Poster Presentations

Day 1, May 11(Mon.)  Poster (1008/09)

Preparation of O-Glycopeptides from Bovine Whey Proteins using HPLC

(Noguchi Inst.)
oMasaki Kurogochi, Akio Matsuda, Mamoru Mizuno

O-Glycopeptides derived from natural bioresources are an attractive material for a variety of purposes. Whey protein products are used as a human dietary supplement and in animal feed and are a readily available resource for the preparation of O-glycopeptides. The protein composition of bovine milk is well-studied, and many glycoproteins carrying N-glycans and O-glycans have been found in commercial whey protein products. In particular, κ-casein glycomacropeptide and lactophorin, which have several O-glycans, are known to exist in whey protein. In this work, we developed an isolation method of O-glycopeptides bearing disialyl core 1 type and core 2 type glycan moieties from commercially available whey protein products using proteose peptone extraction, enzymatic digestion (with trypsin or thermolysin), and sequential high-performance liquid chromatography purification. We were able to isolate several kinds of O-glycopeptides from lactophorin and κ-casein. The O-glycopeptides were detected and identified by flow injection analysis combined with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry using collision-induced dissociation and electron transfer dissociation.