The Mass Spectrometry society of Japan - The 68th Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Japan


Oral Sessions

Day 1, May 11(Mon.) 17:10-17:30 Room A (Main Hall)

Chemoproteomic platforms to identify target proteins of bioactive metabolites

(1RIKEN IMS, 2UC Berkeley, 3Keio Univ.)
oYosuke Isobe1,2, Daniel Nomura2, Makoto Arita1,3

Small-molecule metabolites including bioactive lipids play central roles in controlling physiology and/or pathophysiology, where their biological functions often arise from interactions with target proteins. While identifying direct protein targets of bioactive small-molecules is critical to understand their biological functions, their specific interactions with the proteome still remain poorly defined. Chemoproteomics has arisen as a powerful technology that enables global identification of protein targets of bioactive small-molecules. There have been a large number of chemical probes developed in recent years. Especially, alkyne-functionalized probes that can be coupled to azide-containing analytical handles by click chemistry are powerful tools for global identification of protein targets. In the presentation, our recent chemoproteomics studies in which we used alkyne-functionalized probes for target identification of small-molecule metabolites will be introduced.