The Mass Spectrometry society of Japan - The 68th Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Japan


Oral Sessions

Day 1, May 11(Mon.) 16:30-16:50 Room A (Main Hall)

Ubiquitin biology revealed by proteomics analysis

(1Hoshi Univ., 2TMIMS)
oFumiaki Ohtake1, Akinori Endo2, Hikaru Tsuchiya2, Yasushi Saeki2

Ubiquitination is a versatile post-translational modification essential for nearly all aspects of cellular functions. Proteomics analysis has become an indispensable tool to elucidate the complexity of ubiquitin modifications. In this presentation, we will introduce PRM-based quantification strategies to characterize cellular functions of ubiquitin chains, substrates identification by TMT/MS2 analysis with ion mobility separation, and middle-down MS to analyze complexity of ubiquitin modifications.