

第3日 5月19日(金)  P会場(多目的ホール)

Pico pressure probe electrospray mass spectrometry for in situ single plant cell qualitative and quantitative analysis of phosphate metabolic pathways

(1愛媛大院農2九沖農研3Buenos Aires Univ.)
o中田佳佑1和田博史2Rosa, Erra-balsells3野並浩1

Cytoplasmic streaming occurs as myosin-linked organelles move along actin filaments by using the energy of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) formed during glycolysis, respiration and photosynthesis to carry organelles, nutrients, metabolites, genetic information, and other materials to all parts of the cell. By combining the cell pressure probe and an orbitrap mass spectrometer, cell turgor (Ψp), osmotic potential (Ψs), water potential (Ψw), cytoplasmic streaming velocity, and metabolites of stalk cells of type II trichomes on the adaxial sixth leaf surface of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Micro-Tom) in a growth chamber were measured before and after water stress treatment. Furthermore, we evaluated phosphate metabolic pathways of the single cell qualitatively and quantitively.