

第3日 5月19日(金) 15:05~15:25 D会場(202)

ガスクロマトグラフ-陰イオン化学イオン化法質量分析法による血清中残留性有機汚染物質 (POPs) の分析法検討


Many studies support the concept of the developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD), which is the idea that the risk of a variety of chronic diseases is affected by prenatal and postnatal environmental factors, such as maternal nutrition, lifestyle, stress, and exposure to environmental pollutants during the fetal period. Therefore, cohort studies are required to elucidate the effects of the fetal environment. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs), like polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), were widely detected in human tissues, including umbilical cord and cord blood. These report indicated that fetuses were exposed to them through the maternal blood stream. Thus, POPs are concerned to affect human reproduction and development because of their endocrine-disrupting effects.
However, we need to perform minimally invasive procedures for infants and children, which limits the sample volume available to analyze the many kinds of chemicals that could affect health. On the other hand, a high-throughput and stable method is also needed because such a method is necessary to analyze the many samples from large-scale cohort studies.
In this study, we used a gas chromatography-based analytical method for determining POPs, like PCBs, organohalogen pesticide (OCPs), and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDEs) in serum samples - electron capture negative ionization qMS.