

第3日 5月19日(金) 10:30~10:50 C会場(101)

De novoシーケンス解析とトランスクリプトーム解析の組み合わせによるヤエヤマサソリ毒液に含まれる抗菌性ペプチドの構造決定


Scorpion venom contains antimicrobial peptides in addition to neurotoxins. In this study, we searched for novel antimicrobial peptides from the Liocheles australasiae venom using combined mass spectrometric and transcriptomic analyses. We first separated the venom components by HPLC to obtain a fraction containing antimicrobial peptides. De novo sequencing analysis was performed for candidate peptides in this fraction to determine their partial sequences. Transcriptomic analysis of the venom grand was also performed using next-generation sequencing methods to obtain genetic information. A combination of these analyses allowed us to determine the sequence of three antimicrobial peptides, which was further confirmed by comparison with synthetic peptides.