

第3日 5月19日(金) 10:10~10:30 C会場(101)

MIK-MS(Molecular Interaction & Kinetics Mass Spectrometry)を用いたタンパク質-低分子化合物のMS Sensorgram

(1日本写真印刷(株)2バイオシス3聖マリアンナ医科大学4Silicon Kinetics Inc.5東大工・東大創薬6東京大学アイソトープ総合センター・先端化学技術研究センター)
o小尾奈緒子1福田哲也2中山登2Ervin, John4板東泰彦2西村俊秀2,3染原俊朗1長門石曉5津本浩平5川村猛6

Molecular Interaction & Kinetics Mass Spectrometry (MIK-MS) would be a powerful tool to screen drug candidates by integrating MS with nano Pore Optical Interferometry (nPOI). nPOI can measure the association and dissociation rates of biomolecules without labels, like Surface Plasmon Resonance. Since nPOI has a much larger ligand capture capacity, it can be used to directly detect analytes using a nano ESI LC-MS backend, thereby confirming the binding and the analyte. Here we will report that obtained MS sensorgram and calculated Koff ranking of the intermolecular interaction between Carbonic Anhydrase II and multiple small molecules using MIK-MS.