

第1日 5月17日(水)  P会場(多目的ホール)

ナツメ(Ziziphus jujuba)含有トリテルペノイドの体内動態解析


Three triterpenoids were imaged from mice fed oleanonic acid, betulinic acid and ursolic acid. These compounds are functional compound in Ziziphus jujuba which is recognized as the most important species as a material of traditional medicine as well as healthy food. It is well known that Ziziphus jujuba contributes to regulate blood glucose levels by slowing digestion, with its fiber content. Recently, we have found the anti-highperglycemic effect of triterpenoids (oleanonic, betulonic, and ursonic acids) in jujube in both in vitro and in vivo experiments.
However, there is no report published on the investigation of pharmacokinetics, visually. Imaging MS is powerful tool for analysis of localization of target molecules without the use of antibody and fluorescent reagent. In this study, three triterpenoids were orally administrated to mice. After 3hours, liver, kidney and lien were took and frozen, immediately. Frozen sections were prepared at 8 m thickness. We analyzed the localization of triterpenoids from these sections. Triterpenoids are detected and imaged from kidney, indicating that we imaged metabolism of target molecules.