

第3日 5月16日(金) 10:40~11:00 A会場(オービットホール)

動物臓器の代謝固定法の最適化 -グルコース代謝フラックスの概日リズム変動-


Optimization of organ sampling protocol for metabolomic-analyses has remained as a quite critical issue, because major degradation of the metabolites occurs in tissues within a couple of ten seconds after death, especially of high energy phosphate-metabolites. In this study, we have evaluated several sample preparation techniques, namely, a focused-microwave irradiation (FMW), heat-stabilizing method (HS), and a conventional tissue extraction method. As results, we found that FMW for brain fixation, and HS for liver and skeletal-muscle fixation are the best way for each organs, to preserve intact information of metabolome in vivo. In this study, we also discuss how the circadian rhythm alter the glucose metabolisms among these organs.