- 第3日 5月17日(水) P会場(ホワイエ,会議室1004-1007)
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Multimodal imaging 法を用いたリチウムの全身薬理動態および生体代謝影響の可視化
This study developed a whole animal sectioning method to determine in vivo gradients of lithium (Li) and other metabolites in mice after intraperitoneal (i.p.) and oral administration of pharmacological doses of Li, which is commonly used as a first-line drug for bipolar disorder. The study found that i.p. and oral
administration of Li resulted in different stoichiometric distributions of Li in the head and intestines of the mice. Additionally, a nonlinear dimensionality-reduction technique was used to analyze the metabolic effects of Li administration on various organs. The study suggests that the developed protocol can be used to examine bidirectional communication channels of drugs, nutrients, and endogenous molecules involving neural, endocrine, and inflammatory mechanisms. This could be useful in studying the brain-gut axis in neurological disorders.