- 第3日 5月17日(水) P会場(ホワイエ,会議室1004-1007)
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Mass Spectrometry Imaging Throughput and Resolution Using Timepix3 Detector.
Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) is a powerful technique for mapping the spatial distributions of chemicals on surfaces, but its throughput and spatial resolution are frequently compromised. In microprobe-mode MSI, increasing spatial resolution quadratically increases imaging time, limiting the use of high spatial resolution MSI for large areas or sample cohorts and time-sensitive measurements. Here, we show how the Timepix3 detector (TPX3CAM) can overcome the quadratic relationship between spatial resolution and imaging time in MSI. By combining the TPX3CAM with a continuously sampling secondary ion-mass spectrometry mass microscope. We acquired submicron, and gigapixel images of fingerprints and rat tissue at acquisition speeds of 600,000 and 15,500 pixels s-1, respectively. A comparable microprobe-mode measurement would take more than 2 months for the first image, whereas our method took only 33.3 minutes1.
The TPX3CAM has important implications for mass spectrometry imaging because it enables high throughput imaging with reasonable spatial resolution, allowing for the analysis of larger sample sets and reducing the time required for time-sensitive measurements. The method also provides a novel approach to acquiring large-scale mass spectrometry imaging data, which may aid in the identification of spatial patterns and correlations that traditional MSI approaches may miss.